Teddy Bear Quilt Tutorial

teddybearquiltdone.gif (97923 bytes)

Created in Photo Impact 6

teddytut01.gif (9589 bytes)

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For this tutorial, if you are going to follow along, you will need to download the Teddy Bear Fonts. 

Click on any image to view full-size

Open an image 400 x 500, - I've used R 0;G 196; B 196.  Open File/Preferences/General/Guidelines & Grid and set your grid to Horizontal 140; Vertical 100, to assist you in placing your quilt patches.

Select which characters you wish to place on your quilt and place each one in a patch, using whatever colours you wish for them.  I went with Gradients for this quilt, selecting a font between 70 & 90 depending on the image.

Now the fun begins when you placed all your little teddies!  Create a 3D rectangle, the same size as one patch, border 10, color not important.

Open a new image now, 60 x 80, white background.  Then, using Arial Font, Size 40, or one of your choice, Black or Dark Blue, type a large X on the image. Save this image to your stamp folder as a ufo.

Select the 3D patch you just made and drag it into the quilt image.  Now would be a good time to save your work in the event of those 'Murphy's Law' occasions!

With the quilt patch selected, select the Stamp Tool, and Add Stamp - browse to where you saved your x and choose it. Set your stamp for Scale 36; Spacing 45; Sequential; Trail and Single Object.

Go to Effects/Paint On Edges and Walla! little x's all in a rectangle just like sewing but without the pricks to the fingers!

Deselect and then drag the quilt patch out of the image and you are left with your stitching framing one patch.  All you need to do now is duplicate the x's rectangle and drag it to each patch.  If you line up the x's they should fit over each other.  Select Merge (not Merge All!) and this will hold the background down so it doesn't move around on you while you are placing your sewing rectangles.  



Deselect all the patches and x's and select Effects/Creative/

Select the settings shown here. If you want to play around with this, just select Preview and if it's not the effect you wish, select Undo from the Menu at the bottom and Continue which will take you back to the Painting Menu. When you like it, Press OK.

Merge All.

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It's time we added our borders to the quilt.  You may at this point wish to reduce your image to 320 x 400, then Effect/Blur & Sharpen/Sharpen/Options/Select 3. 

Edit/Expand Canvas - Check Expand Sides Equally then add 40 which will give us an all-around border of 40 pixels so we can add two different  borders. Select the Outline Drawing Tool and set it for 3D, Border 10 (you may have to go into the Materials Attributes and set the Border to 10), Depth 8 and draw it as shown in the picture to your left.  If you start it about 4 pixels above the corner of your quilt it should cover it right.  Next, draw another border, only this time increase the Border to 25 and start at the top left corner of the first border and drag it down to the bottom right. Increase the Depth to 16.  I'm going to now color the borders.  The outside border would look excellent in plaid and to achieve the right colours, Duplicate your image by pressing Control-D, then Merge All on the new image, and with the Selection Tool, Rectangle, select the area inside the borders then Crop. Select Format/Dimensions/50%.

Select Effects/Magic/Kaleidoscope/first tile then OK.  Now we'll create the plaid effect following MaryLou's tutorial. She also lists the sites for the filters needed if you don't already have them.


Here's how your image should look before you plaid it! Here's how your image should look after you plaid it!  You can also right click to use these 
images if you'd rather not go through all these steps



teddytut10.gif (44330 bytes)

After I had my plaid image, I used Format/Tone Map on it and darkened it a little using Midtone -25 then Sharpened it In Effects. Save it and then with the Pick Tool, select the outside border on your image then go to Outline Drawing Tool and up to the Material Attributes where you should select File under the Color Tab and browse your hard drive to where you saved the plaid image and select it.  Your border is now a plaid border.

For the inside border, I changed the color to Purple in the Material Gallery and we now have our finished Quilt. Sure hope you enjoyed this tutorial and happy quilting!